Prof goes GFCF

Ozma has been suggesting that I should post about my experiences to being on the GFCF diet for a while. I have been GFCF for just over two years, and I can honestly say that it has been one of the best decisions of my entire life (it falls just after deciding to ask Ozma to marry me!)

About two or three years after Dorothy started the diet, Ozma started pointing out the physiological symptoms that were gone in her that I still had (horrible bloating, migraines, ‘foggy’ days, and more). After several years of gentle suggestions, I decided to try the diet. I decided to give it a try for six months, and planned on having a pizza, cake & ice cream party for my birthday to see if the diet really made a difference for me. I went totally GFCFSF (Gluten Free, Casein/Dairy Free, and Sugar Free)

The first couple of weeks were just awful – I was nauseous, had horrible headaches, and aches and pains all over. It was like being hung over for two solid weeks. However, as the second week ended, my condition began to do a complete turnaround. In the third week I felt better than I had in a LONG time! I had more energy, very few migraines and an improved mental focus. As the first couple of months went on, I had the nice side effect of dropping 55 pounds, bringing my weight back in line with what I weighed in college (I was really starting to put on the pounds before going on the GFCF diet). This is probably because I focused on eating very healthy overall, not just replacing wheat bearing junk food with rice bearing junk food….. Between weight loss and getting rid of the candida bloat, my waist went from a size 38 to a 32.
Another benefit was being able to throw out the bottles of Maalox from my desk drawer, glove-box, etc. I no longer suffered from a constant upset stomach – that I previously had attributed to my high-stress job. My performance in that job improved from my better mental clarity & focus.

When my birthday rolled around, I did have pizza and Ice Cream, however they were the homemade GFCF varieties – I wanted very much to stay on the diet – I couldn’t imagine losing the benefits!

I have had some breeches – most recently one of the restaurants in town changed brands of dressing without my realizing it. I spent a several miserable days with migraines, ‘cloudy’ thinking, and GI problems. While breaches are frustrating, they are also good reminders that the GFCF diet works and makes it easier to pass up that plate of chocolate chip cookies that is being passed around at work.

I’m so glad that I finally decided to go GFCF. It has helped me be a better father, husband, employee and all around person. It has improved my physical health as well as my neurological health. It has helped me way more than I thought it would going in, and I I would strongly recommend starting it to anyone who thinks it might help.


  • ChristinaL30

    Wow, thanks for posting so honestly! After about 5 years of wondering “What planet do we move to for this?”, I finally put my 2 ASD boys on the GFCF diet last summer. (At home, we’re all GFCF.) I’ve been thinking for some time now that it may behoove the rest of us to go strictly GFCF, as I have ADD, my husband has Parkinson’s, and our 6-y-o NT son is showing ADHD signs. Bolstered by your post, I’m going to show this to my DH, then set a date to put us all GFCF and see what the effects are. Scary, but potentially SO worth it!

  • Pingback: Review: Sunspire Tropical Source GFCF chocolate chips | Woggle-Bug

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