A new look!

We’ve redone the website from scratch, hopefully making it easier to read. We’ve also changed the focus a little bit – when we first started this blog it was 80% Autism related, and 20% GFCF (gluten free casein free) cooking. Since that time, Dorothy (our daughter with asperger’s) has grown up and is now living on her own – something we thought would never happen! So we are a lot less involved in what’s new and hopeful in Autism research, but have kept eating gluten free and dairy free for the members of our household that benefit from it – myself included! We ended learning a lot about remedies, and different types of medicine as well. Through our recipes we were able to work out very common ailments like colds or upset stomachs. You should also check out alternative medicine in general, it helped us avoid doctors on many occasions. The recipes are the most popular part of our site now, so they are featured front and center. We’ve also arranged them by category as well as allergen to make it easier to find what you need. Hopefully we will be able to add new recipes and maybe even some yummy pictures in the near future.

If you are looking for autism advice we still have it on the site, just use the autism menu at the top of the page. You can also always email Ozma at Ozma@wogglebug.com if you would like – even if it’s just a virtual shoulder to cry on.

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