For parents of Autistic children
Welcome to the Bug! This site used to be 80% on treatments and strategies for living more happily with Autism (especially Asperger’s syndrome) and 20% GFCF (Gluten Free Casein Free) recipes. Time has passed, our daughter with asperger’s has reached adulthood, and the recipes have turned out to be the most popular part of this site. We wanted to keep our Autism section up here because of the countless emails we have gotten from other parents who have found some comfort in sharing experiences. While we might not know about the most recent cutting-edge treatments anymore, we certainly will never forget the shock and pain of hearing our daughter’s autism diagnosis, and hope we can help anyone looking for shared solace.
Our philosophy is different from a lot of the stuff you see out there- Some people say that having a child with Autism means the whole family has Autism. Others, mostly adults on the spectrum, seem to think Autism is something to take pride in. We think that Autism is a health problem. We work on strategies for those in our family on the spectrum in much the same way we work on other problems that arise in our family. And while we don’t think Autism is something to celebrate, we are tired of the gloom and doom. Not that we don’t take Autism seriously, we take it very seriously, and are striving to eradicate it from our home, but we also think life with Autism can be very hilarious at times. Some have called Autism a death sentence. We are all about putting the fun back into funeral. There is no reason for despair unless there is nothing you can do about it, and there are lots of things you can do to make it better, easier, simpler, happier. Even if your child is profoundly affected, try changing his diet, his doctor, or his meds. We think that every soul has great worth in the sight of God, and He helps those who help themselves. Good luck! We hope you find something here that will help you, point you in the right direction, or will just make you laugh.
- Disregard everyone who tells you there is no cure. Including your pediatrician and your neurologist. Run, as fast as you can, to Dr. Bradstreet’s office in Florida. He saved our daughter. He can help you, too. Read about our experience with him here.
- Learn about DAN!
- Try the gfcf diet:a. For recipesb. Filling up the lunchbox. Meal ideas, menus, strategies for snacks, cooking vs. shoppingd. Links to get you started if you’re a newbie.
- Think about supplements.
- Look in the mirror and start dealing with your own issues.
- Work on your marriage. This could be the most important one for your family.
- Get some religion. Seriously. If you don’t, the universe is going to seem like a cruel joke every day. Don’t have any? Don’t know where to look? You can find information about the one that is working for me here.
- Don’t listen to the Naysayers. Especially family members and teachers. YOU CAN OVERCOME this. It takes hard work and a lot of courage to fly in the face of everything and everyone you know, but your child’s and family’s future is at stake. Don’t let other people determine what it is going to be. Sounds melodramatic? Maybe, but fighting autism and the idiots who make it harder has been the most difficult thing I have ever had to do. It’s ok though, my family is worth it.