Will they find the root cause of Autism?

News of a massive new study shows some initiative to find root causes for autism, but does it come too late? Now that thimersol has been removed from most vaccines, will it give a distorted picture? My main frustration is that they are only now discussing a study which will take 10 years to complete, in the mean time how many children will suffer from autism? I am much more interested in the people who have practical answers to symptoms now, like the gfcf diet, glutithione, and allergy testing that gives relief now instead of ten years from now when my little girl will be 22. While I feel what they find will be valuable, I can’t help but wonder why so few doctors are doing more practical work that will limit the amount of brain damage suffered by these children in the meantime.
Just to update- Dorothy has been on glutithione for several weeks now, and combined with the supplements prescribed by Dr. Bradstreet, she is doing so much better. She is incredibly calmer, and she sleeps like a baby for the first time in her whole life. She still has bad days, but her bad days now are more like regular days in the past.
What about the contention that it is all a coincidence? The neurologists that we started out with in Dr. Wiznitzer’s office, who by the way, is supposed to be one of the best in the business, uses this argument. He says maybe the child just grew out of it, and decided to grow up. Besides the fact that he totally discounts the observations of the child’s parents, I find it despicable that they do not seem to be interested in studying the things that seem to give relief of symptoms. It almost suggests that they are not interested in being out of a job. From our own observations, we know glutithione really works because we can see her function go down when she goes off it. We ran out and had to wait a few days to receive more in the mail from the compounding pharmacy. In that time she regressed considerably. It seems to be a pretty straight forward case of cause and effect, no matter what the neurologist’s opinion is. They love to describe the level of function, but don’t seem interested in raising it.
Also we found out she was allergic to many different foods. Dr. Bradstreet gave her an interesting allergy test that ran samples of her blood through a machine that introduced certain substances to it to see what her white blood cells would attack. There were over 40 things that set her immune function off. Since we removed these things from her diet she is less sick and has less pain. I am so grateful that there are doctors like doctor Bradstreet that are still interested in using available resources to do what they can to help children feel better now. My daughter is certainly not cured, but I no longer have any use for the doctors who look at her and think of her as a “case ” and not a little girl. Once again, if you have a child with autism, find a DAN! doctor who knows what they are about. We reccomend Doctor Bradstreet:)

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