Risperdal aproved for autism

This kind of thing makes me crazy. The drug company even admits that it does nothing to treat the disease, and yet they are marketing this thing to treat autism. When our daughter was first diagnosed with Asperger’s we dilligently did everything the neurologist told us to do. She suggested putting her on paxil. It seemed to take the edge off her, but it really only masked her symptoms. It didn’t do anything for her pain, her stomach, or her sleeplessness. After a while it stopped working altogether. The doctor put her on a never ending cycle of ratcheting up her dosages and going to different flavors of Prozac. It never did much of anything. The best thing we ever did was to stop drugging her and start getting to some of the roots of her problems. Some of the roots included the GFCF diet for her stomach, anti-inflammatories for her pain, and melatonin for her sleeplessness. The best thing we ever did was to visit Dr. Bradstreet. I can’t sing his praises enough.

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