Review – Enjoy Life: Very Berry Crunch
We have enjoyed so many other Enjoy Life products that I thought I’d give their “granola” cereal a shot. My first surprise was that the cereal was black – they looked very much like crumbled asphalt. I didn’t expect that at all, but it wasn’t enough to throw me off my mission. (this may be enough to make them a no-go for a child who judges food more by look than by taste).
After adding rice milk, I took a bite. It felt as if I was eating crumbled asphalt – they were as hard as rocks. No problem, I thought – I’ll just let them soak a couple of minutes. Five minutes later I tried again. It was like eating crumbled asphalt with an 1/8″ layer of soggy cereal on it. The box could definitely claim “Stays crunchy in milk!”.
You might think from what I have written so far that these were a dud in my book. Quite the contrary – they were actually very tasty once you got over the hard texture! We ate the whole box in one sitting. After trying the Cranapple Crunch (it was much more like traditional granola), I decided that we just got a batch where the ‘clusters’ were way too big (each one was 1/2 – 3/4″ in diameter) their crusherator must have been on the fritz.