Low Oxalate Diet

I was asked on one of the forums to discuss our experiences with the Low Oxalate Diet (LOD) – and thought I would post them here as well. I have to start with a disclaimer that we don’t fully follow the low oxalate diet… When we were last at our DAN Dr. (Dr. Bradstreet in FL), he recommended cutting back on our oxalate consumption – challenging us to cut our intake in half. His common sense advise was to cut out all nuts and to avoid eating LOTS of the high oxalate foods. It’s actually been a fairly difficult thing to do – especially since my daughter has ~40 other food allergies that all seem to be low-oxalate foods!

We cut out nuts 100% (so no more yummy almond meal in our Ozma Mix), stopped using lemon and orange peal in our cooking (supposedly they are super high), and started cutting back on potatoes and parsley. The hardest thing has been trying to cut back on carrots and celery, which we put in the kid’s lunches and in soups, salads ans just about everything.

It’s been hard to tell how much of a difference keeping or breaking the LOD makes. I know when I go off it (ie: I eat a whole bag of potato chips in one sitting) I seem to be a bit more ‘foggy’ the next day – but it’s a more subtle reaction than when we have a GFCF breech.

The list I’ve been using to gauge how high or low different foods are is online at: http://patienteducation.upmc.com/Pdf/LowOxalateDiet.pdf

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