Cherry Nut Bars
The recipe is based on one by Matt Amsden in RAWVolution. The cherries can be replaced with pretty much any combo of berries. These were delicious, and very filling. We took them when we went on vacation and they made a great on the run breakfast.
2 cups raw almonds
1 cup raw walnuts ( I used pecans, since I am allergic to walnuts, and it was yummy.)
¾ cup flax seeds
3 cups cherries
1½ cups raisins
In a food processor, grind almonds and walnuts. Place them in a large bowl.
Grind flax seeds to a powder (using a blender or coffee grinder) and place in a smaller bowl.
Blend cherries to a liquid in blender, then add flax seed powder and blend again. If your blender is not high-speed, you may want to do the mixing by hand.
Mix all ingredients together, with nuts, in large bowl.
Spread mix evenly on 1 Teflex-lined dehydrator tray-should be about an inch thick – I have a 5-tray dehydrator and use one full tray. ( I used parchment paper in my antique food dehydrator, and it worked great.)
Dehydrate at 100°F for 12 hours. Flip tray over, peel off Teflex and return to dehydrator for another 12 hours.
Once dehydrated, cut into 18 pieces (make 2 cuts horizontally and 5 cuts vertically).
Makes 18 bars