Category Archives: Blog

Vaccines cause Neurological disorders!

It looks like the medical community may admit that a vaccine caused neurological problems. This is interesting to me because the people receiving the shots were teens trying to ward off meningitis. The big deal here is that these people could report their reactions- babies can’t- and for some reasons doctors completely discount the observations of a child’s parents. All of my children had horrible reactions to their shots. One of my children has autism. One of them would cry

Will they find the root cause of Autism?

News of a massive new study shows some initiative to find root causes for autism, but does it come too late? Now that thimersol has been removed from most vaccines, will it give a distorted picture? My main frustration is that they are only now discussing a study which will take 10 years to complete, in the mean time how many children will suffer from autism? I am much more interested in the people who have practical answers to symptoms

Antibiotics may cause autism, and now will also damage your child’s permanent teeth.

Many people who have been on the quest for biomedical options for Autism have come to realize that early ear infections led to overuse of antibiotics for their child which damaged their intestines, which in turn led to a number of troubling conditions which may cause or at the very least contribute to their child’s Autism. Now it looks like their is another reason to steer clear of antibiotics: they can damage your child’s permanent teeth.

A cure for adult ADHD?

I don’t agree with everything this guy says– but wow. What a case for rising above your challenges and learning to dicsipline yourself instead of using ADHD or Autism as a crutch. ( I mean high functioning, obviously.) I get so tired of the individuals who say that if the rest of the world was more tolerant they could succeed despite their disability. To those people I have to say, grow up. People in my experience are not tolerant of

Empathy in Autism

From the Yahoo story – this explains why my daughter thinks all of my behavior rules are arbitrary: “The idea is that the mirror neuron systems of autistic individuals are somehow impaired or deficient, and that the resulting “mind-blindness” prevents them from simulating the experiences of others. For autistic individuals, experience is more observed than lived, and the emotional undercurrents that govern so much of our human behavior are inaccessible. They guess the mental states of others through explicit theorizing,

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